
Our unique Tenderfuel is a revolutionary fuel, which only works in combination with our patented steel wicks. It creates beautiful flames that burn cleaner than any comparable flame and can be stored without restriction. Tenderfuel is not toxic and not classified as flammable. Engineered with our goal to become even more sustainable in mind, this advanced fuel mirrors the safety and clean-burning qualities you trust in the original Tenderfuel but elevates your experience with eco-friendly production and ingredients. Our next step to not only improve your indoor climate, but also to contribute to a global climate. Organic Tenderfuel – the safe, and conscious choice for a greener tomorrow.

Clean Burning

Reputable laboratories have extensively tested the combustion. It mainly produces water vapour and a minor amount of CO2. The CO2 levels are well below the WHO and European authorities’ limits. If you compare a Tenderflame with a tea-light’s flame, the ordinary tea-light produces more microparticles than 50 Tenderflame units.

How it Works

Our products contain a tank for the fuel and a burner with a wick made of stainless steel. Fill the tank with Tenderfuel to 3/4 of the capacity and pour some Tenderfuel over the wick before it is lit.

Tenderfuel has a flashpoint of 104° Celsius (2190 Fahrenheit). Tenderfuel is classified as non-flammable, non-toxic and non-hazardous. The patented wick allows the liquid to reach this temperature when you light it, but the wick and the burner are constructed so that only the top of the wick has the necessary temperature.

The liquid in the container remains well below 60° Celsius, so that it does not ignite. To achieve a controlled combination of the temperature needed on the top of the wick and the low temperature in the tank, the wick is pla- ced in a holder which hardly transfers any heat to the surroundings.

Air flows in a controlled stream around the wick to cool the burner while also providing the ideal blend of air and liquid vapour. The construction of the wick itself also contributes to the control of the temperature. It is made of stainless steel in several layers. All products use the same patented technology, and they should all only use Tenderfuel.

The capillary principle, which itself is generated by the layers in the wick and the controlled heat, is being used to feed the top of the wick with fuel from the tank.

Pouring the fuel on the flame does not result in a dangerous flare-up because of the high flashpoint. The flame can be extinguished by pouring fuel on it. Tenderfuel will hardly evaporate when not in use and leave no odour in the room. It can be stored in unlimited quantities and sent without ADR limitations.

MSDS or boEle warnings are unnecessary. This is well documented and confirmed by for instance REACH, KIWA and TÜV.

Any spilt fuel will not burn if the burner is accidentally overturned. It only burns on the wick. We offer a lifetime warranty on the wick.